To the heart of the Indian Tiger
If your heart desires tiger, there’s no better place than the ‘Tiger State’ of Madhya Pradesh, India India, the land which is known the world over for its rich and diverse variety of flora and fauna, is also home to a myriad species of rare wildlife found nowhere else on the globe. We spent seven years in India working in tiger conservation, so know many smaller parks with beautiful natural scenery but limited...
Royal Rajasthan and India’s Golden Triangle
Your Royal Escape – A luxury journey through the ‘Golden Triangle’ and Rajasthan A journey through the land of Kings and their great palaces for a Royal Escape in the truest sense. N.B. This itinerary extends the normal ‘Golden Triangle’ route but is a guide only. 10 day tours start at circa £1500. You can add time and places to this and upgrade, reduce, or change travel, time and...