Making the most of the Mara – Part 2 – Where to stay?

Making the most of the Mara – Part 2 – Where to stay?

In this, the second part of our Masai Mara review, we share with you some of the choices of accommodation that can make or mar(a) your stay in this fantastic Kenyan wildlife reserve. Unlike Tanzania (that has high government taxes, which virtually double the cost of accommodation) it’s possible to stay within the Mara at anything from outlandishly opulent to relatively budget conscious throughout the park. The options are too...

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Making the most of the Mara – Part 1 – When & How to travel?

Making the most of the Mara – Part 1 – When & How to travel?

As one of the most extensive and well stocked parks in Kenya, it’s not surprising that the Masai Mara is a focal point for tourists. Important, therefore, to plan carefully to avoid disappointment. In this, the first part of our Masai Mara review we share with you our opinion on the choices of timing and methods of travel to this fantastic location. Inevitably, the most well stocked and iconic wildlife parks will always be the...

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Lake Naivasha’s expanding ripples of life

Lake Naivasha’s expanding ripples of life

As we stand on its shores, an elegant crisp white apparition slices through the waters of Lake Naivasha with a simple flash of colour for identification. Today it’s the startling plumage of the lake’s Pelicans that recreate this enduring illusion of the Imperial Airways Flying Boats that once made the lake the first and largest International Airport in Kenya. This beautiful freshwater lake is almost 13kms across, but with shallow...

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Kenya – Two Reserves, no reservations!

Kenya – Two Reserves, no reservations!

Visiting Kenya? Samburu and Buffalo Springs Game Reserves offer you a diversity and variety of landscape that you’ll miss if you restrict yourself to the Masai Mara. These relatively small but vital conservation areas host all of the big five animals together with a wide spectrum of other wildlife in surroundings that aren’t always overrun by the intrusion of tourists with little regard for conservation. Set either side of the Isiolo...

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Ngorongoro Crater Part 2 – Where to rest your head

Ngorongoro Crater Part 2 – Where to rest your head

Time in the Ngorongoro Crater is unforgettable in itself but staying in one of our selection of luxury lodges can turn your visit into a wonderfully rounded experience that will stay with you forever. Our last review dealt with the magnificent crater itself and the sights you can expect to see. This article deals with your accommodation options. Once you’ve decided that you’re going to visit the Ngorongoro Crater it pays...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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