About The Luxury Couple & TLC World
The Luxury Couple is for couples and companions who want inspiration and new ideas for travel in luxury but not at the expense of fun and the pursuit of something different and original. TLC World is our own fully bonded tour operator business that turns those ideas into reality! If you believe in fun, food, photography and fantastic places – please travel along with us and use us as your luxury travel guides! We’ve an ever...
The exotic treasure that’s Sri Lanka
You might ask why you should go to Sri Lanka if you’ve already been to India…or even if you haven’t – well in our opinion it’s all the best bits of India condensed into a smaller space! Whilst the turmoil of civil war and tsunami inevitably have obviously left their marks, the Sri Lankan people and government are determined to put it behind them and fully embrace the notion of luxury hospitality as a means to realise their full...