Cu Chi – Cu Chi; but not so endearing Vietnam

Cu Chi – Cu Chi; but not so endearing Vietnam

One step away from idyllic Vietnam into the dark of the Cu Chi tunnels and War Remnants museum. When Vietnam has so much to offer to travellers by way of beaches, bays, culture and countryside, you might wonder why war still features so strongly in its appeal to tourists. With the Vietnam War (1955-1975) a not so distant memory for many still alive today, its killing fields and museums still exact a significant draw on veterans,...

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Nha Trang – Buddhas, beaches and beansprouts

Nha Trang – Buddhas, beaches and beansprouts

Nha Trang in Vietnam is best known as a beach resort for its miles of wide, clean white sand but if you delve a little deeper you’ll find a few treasures and fascinating local life. Not particularly attracted to lazing on a beach, as our threshold of boredom is fairly low, we elect to travel around Nha Trang to try to get a flavour of local life. We walk into the TTC Michelia Hotel on the junction of Le Loi and Pasteur roads and...

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A haven from the hub-bub of Hong Kong

A haven from the hub-bub of Hong Kong

In a city that powers through every 24hrs as if it was its last, Lanson Place offers a peaceful escape for the traveller who seeks some quality down-time but still wants to be part of the action. There’s no shortage of luxury accommodation in Hong Kong but there is a shortage of peace, quiet…and space. With space at such a premium on an island of finite size, it’s inevitable that hotels go higher but rooms don’t seem to get any...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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