Amboseli – wonderful wildlife water world

Amboseli – wonderful wildlife water world

Amboseli presents a unique environment for wildlife in Kenya, complete with stunning views of Kilimanjaro across the border in Tanzania Whereas the majority of wildlife parks in Kenya are dominated by savannah that stretches to the horizon, Amboseli is typified during and after the rains by its big skies, huge lake and natural spring water-bodies.This can bring its own setbacks in terms of accessibility, with some tracks submerged and...

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Kenya – Two Reserves, no reservations!

Kenya – Two Reserves, no reservations!

Visiting Kenya? Samburu and Buffalo Springs Game Reserves offer you a diversity and variety of landscape that you’ll miss if you restrict yourself to the Masai Mara. These relatively small but vital conservation areas host all of the big five animals together with a wide spectrum of other wildlife in surroundings that aren’t always overrun by the intrusion of tourists with little regard for conservation. Set either side of the Isiolo...

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Nairobi Nights – our three luxury choices

Nairobi Nights – our three luxury choices

Take a look at our choice of three wonderful exclusive hotels in Nairobi’s leafy suburbs, with wildlife on the doorstep and you won’t be in such a hurry to set out on safari. An East African safari, for many, doesn’t start until leaving Nairobi and heading out into the open countryside with its rural villages – but we think that you’ll be missing a trick. Let us show you our choice of three wonderful hotels, in green...

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Silence Will Speak – a visit to Karen

Silence Will Speak – a visit to Karen

‘Silence Will Speak’ is the biographical study of Denys Finch Hatton, the big game hunter who became intimately associated with Karen von Blixen – bettter known for her part in ‘Out of Africa’. Von Blixen’s farm in the affluent Nairobi suburb, now known as ‘Karen’, endures as silent testimony to the remarkable life she led. As we drive into the driveway of Karen’s coffee farm on a...

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Ngorongoro Crater Part 1 – A world of wildlife

Ngorongoro Crater Part 1 – A world of wildlife

The Ngorongoro crater in Tanzania must surely vye to be one of the Seven Wonders of the World with its unparalleled vistas and wildlife – a stunning and truly remarkable experience for any lover of nature. This, our first review, deals with the natural wonders of the crater, whilst our second part suggests some fascinating places to stay nearby. Our first sight of the Ngorongoro Crater follows a dark and cloudy night on its rim, with...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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