If you are luxury travellers and have particularly enjoyed a journey or destination that would be suitable for ‘The Luxury Couple’ we’d be happy to hear from you and will certainly consider including your experience on this site for the benefit of all.
We would clearly mark any such inclusion as being from a third party and without our endorsement. No submission should be of a commercial nature or from an employee or relative or anyone paid by or associated with any of the locations, services or products featured in your piece and by submitting a piece for consideration you confirm that this is the case.
We reserve the right to include, edit, exclude, reject or delete any posts and to enquire of you further for additional information at our discretion.
We wish to provide as broad and impartial an assessment of luxury destinations as possible and welcome your participation with us.
You should submit a summary of your copy to us initially on the form below. Successful applicants will be asked to provide good quality images, where available, to complement their piece at a later date.
Please do not be disappointed if your submission is not accepted as it could be for one of any number of reasons but we thank you for contributing.